So begins day 2 of our Laura Ingalls Hobo Experience. You see, during Dallas's 12. A BILLION inch snowfall, we lost power. And, as we all know, snow = cold, or in many cases, very, very cold.
We tried mightily to brave it Friday, even heading to a movie and an unnecessarily long trip to Target. But when we arrived home after sark and there was STILL no power, we conceded defeat and bunked with friends.
this morning, still no power. But a couple blocks in any direction from our abode and there are lights a plenty.
This does make me wonder what exactly our local transformer is made of. If the power goes out in our neighborhood, you can be gauranteed we'll be the last ones to get it restored.
Last summer, that meant 4 days of no electricity. I try to comfort myself by thinking that surely the people already being helped were just as cold as me, but still - it rankles to literally watch a transformer blow in Preston Hollow and then see two Oncor trucks head in that direction within seconds.